Mon - Thu 9:00 -17:00 01654 703982
Major and Evans > Our Services > Accountancy


The preparation of financial statements for sole traders, partnerships, limited companies and other organisations forms our primary service to business. We take time to explain your accounts to you so that you understand what is going on financially within your business and how this affects things such as your tax liabilities or financing requirements.

Sole Traders/ Partnerships

For sole traders and partnerships we prepare accounts to calculate your Income Tax liability and complete your Tax Return. We also review if you should be VAT registered or, if there are any HM Revenue and Customs VAT Schemes which would reduce your VAT liability. We also consider if incorporation is right for you and advise on any potential tax saving.

Limited Companies

We prepare accounts for Limited Companies, which are in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and either FRS105 for Micro Entities or FRS102. When preparing company accounts we review your PAYE, VAT and Corporation Tax and remuneration structure to ensure your business is tax efficient. We also deal with Companies House, all statutory documentation and HM Revenue and Customs on your behalf.

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01654 703982

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